Return Of The Blog

Patina X The Color Condition. Making this post look way more fun and exciting than it is. 

Patina X The Color Condition. Making this post look way more fun and exciting than it is. 

A long time ago I kept a blog, I loved it dearly and I made a lot of friends through it. My blog was mostly round ups of products and designers I found on etsy, as well as a few personal projects and a bit of life. By the time I started working full time on my own business, I let my blog fall by the wayside and never really got it back so a few years ago I just deleted it. 

Since then instagram happened and it's no secret that I've really been loving this whole 'micro-blogging' revolution. I've never been all about the business, and I've always tried to make being me a part of how I work. So much of what I do for work crosses over in to my everyday life and visa versa - I truly never really know where the inspiration or the opportunities are going to come from, which mostly is fun and it's kind of just how I've always worked. 

If you follow me on instagram you'll know that I have a tendency to sometimes get a bit wordy - I like sharing stuff I'm enthusiastic about, or talking more in depth about things - so for a while now I've really been missing 'proper' blogging. 

Shifting my work last year was all about freeing up a bit more time for creativity and whatever comes from it. So, it feels right that I try my hand at keeping a blog here it is! A place to muse, amuse, ponder and share. At this point I can make no promises of what it will include (probably a bit of everything) but, if you've read this far, hi!